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Nero Assoluto



Slabs, Cut to Size







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Granite is an igneous rock, which means that at some time during its development, it was melted like volcanic lava. Unlike lava, however, this melted rock never reached the surface; it remained trapped inside the earth, where it slowly cooled and crystallized. The three main mineral components of this stone are feldspar, quartz and mica. The very hard and dense varieties of this stone are formed by tectonic shifts beneath the earth’s crust. The closer to the surface the mass was when it hardened, the lower its density will be; these granites frequently have a lighter colour. A dark grey to black colour is a sign that the stone has hardened at a greater depth. A yellowish colour indicates iron oxidation close to the surface, with the stone having a low density. Granite is the hardest of all building stones with a very close grain, making it almost impervious to stain and uniquely applicable for any interior and exterior use.

The beauty and special characteristics of natural stones emerge from the finishing processes available, and which are widely utilized by current architectural and construction trends. Each finish provides a different aspect to natural stone that takes on new shades of colours, new visual and tactile sensations, enhancing the natural characteristics. Here are the most widely used ones:

A polished surface finish is shiny and reflective. This is a glossy mirror like finish. The full colour, depth, and crystal structure of the stone is visible. The stone appears darker and the colours seem richer. A polished finish will highlight the character of natural stone. This finish is considered the finest and smoothest available.

Honing removes the gloss from the surface, creating a soft matte look. The surface remains smooth to the touch. The result is a smooth surface without reflection. The stone will have a matte like appearance.

Brushed / Leathered
A variety of methods are used in order to achieve a textured surface; either chemical (acid wash) or mechanical. There are different levels of brushing – from the subtle satin or vellutato finish to deeper brushing, creating a leathered effect.

A surface treatment applied by intense heat flaming, which creates a rough surface finish, more appropriate for exterior applications. The surface is usually brushed after flaming, when used for interior application.

Slightly tumbled to achieve rounded edges and a surface which is not as smooth as when honed.

This is actually a style of finishes rather than a particular finish. Leathered and tumbled finishes are all examples of an antiqued finish. A factory finish similar to a leathered finish is sometimes referred to as an antiqued finish.